Skaga x Oslo


Op 20 maart is onze Skaga bevallen van vijf gezonde mooie pups, drie teefjes en twee reutjes.
Voor meer info: of via WhatsApp: 0031(0)623161597
Of volg ons ook op onze facebookpagina’s:

The names/de namen:
Sola Sokka – The sunny socks – De zonnige sokjes
Smukke Týra – Beautifull little flame – Mooi klein vlammetje
Reddi Sörvi – The Red Sea King – De rode zee koning
Törfa Kolla – The enchanting Kolla – De betoverende Kolla
Prins Oslo – No explanation needed – hoeft geen uitleg

Our precious puppy’s Sokka(France),  Týra(Finland), Reddi(Netherlands), Kolla(Netherlands) and Prins Oslo(Poland) all found their forever homes.
We are so happy to follow their adventures everywhere around Europe. Allthough they almost all are in their naughty puberty, they growing up to be the finest dogs you can wish for. Two of them are already on learning classes sheep herding, wauwauwwauw, little workers. Enjoy all the photo’s! And stay tuned on this website.