2 oktober 2023
Op visite in Zweden
Magnus vertelt:
Groetjes van Baby Magnus

Pups Zweden oktober 2023 Hello all, As I have already told you, my owner and I will soon make the big crossing to wild Sweden. That’s getting closer now, the suitcase is already ready. Well, sort of, I keep taking out my wrapped favorite toys. My owner brushed me yesterday, because she thinks I have to make a good impression when I meet my puppies for the first time. They’re all such beautiful things themselves, they don’t need any brushing. My owner is really looking forward to hugging them all extensively. I have a nice place with my owner in Leeuwarden, but my six-week-old Swedish puppies are all still looking for their own home with people who would also like to cuddle one of these sweethearts for the rest of their lives. And otherwise my owner will kidnap them for himself. There is still room in the owner’s backpack for 1 or 2. Because look at those faces, high cuddly content or not? And look at me, with a father like me, they will remain handsome. So please, help me, Mr. Magnus, find a home for my Swedish puppies before I’m required to pay child support or my owner takes one in himself. Best regards Baby Magnus